Thanks to the funding we received from the University of Potsdam (KoUP 1) and the Higher School of Economics (НУГ), we were able to organise two hackathons this year, one in September in Moscow, another one earlier this month at Fontane Archive in Potsdam. The latter concluded with a mini conference.

The network analysis of literary texts remains the main business of our German-Russian research group. In 2017, though, we rebuilt our whole infrastructure so we’re able to look beyond network-analytical research questions and combine the network approach with other (quantitative) methods. Some of the scientific outcome of our efforts throughout this year was presented at the mini conference and on Twitter via the hashtag #potsdam_digilit, some will find its way into our upcoming research papers.

To capture a bit of the hackathon spirit, this end-of-the-year blog post will just roll out some pics from our December meeting, so here goes:

Arriving at Berlin main station, magenta style.

Arriving at Berlin Central Station, magenta style.

Walking down Friedrichstrasse.

Walking down Friedrichstrasse.

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The bunch, first morning.

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Welcome to Fontane Archive!

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Literary hackathon in black and white.

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Fine-tuning our new Shiny app.

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Discussing our Chekhov conference poster for DHd2018.

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Testing the new version of dramavis on Russian plays (a.k.a. "laptop-sticker competition").

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Discussing next steps.

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New API!

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Lunch break: Lui and Moi on their way to the Café de la Régence.

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GG and FF.

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And a meta perspective.

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Let's study ducks and swans.

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A quick visit to the comma of SANS, SOUCI.

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Let's go back.

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Studying a real-life copy of Cäsar Flaischlen's "Graphische Litteratur-Tafel" (1890).

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Still hacking.

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@peertrilcke and @umblaetterer looking at things. (context)

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Still hacking.

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Danya on Tolstoy.

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Conference break.

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The inevitable night walk.

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Visit to the Potsdam Christmas market …

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… and some ice-skating.

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Restaging a random swashbuckler movie …

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… and a jump cut to the final scene of Emilia Galotti, "crazy Odoardo" edition.

Best wishes and see all you next year.
